Update 5

Biggest change is the snapping to grid in the level editor is fixed now, so placed platforms can go corner-to-corner seamlessly. No real changes to Story Mode. 


  • Changed the font for textboxes.
  • Redrew the main menu buttons, made the logo bigger.
  • Story button and text will animate when selecting chapters.
  • Disembodied dialogue text can be advanced with keyboard while controller is plugged in.


  • Removed the Shadow Rat sprites from the enemy sprite folder. (It'd be pretty tough to make use of those)
  • Made the sprites for Unhittable Chaser, Ham, Splat, and Fire the official ones. (They're pretty crushed though, to fit the current hitboxes)
  • Fire is animated, but if replaced it becomes a static image.
  • Splats move at a constant speed instead of in steps. (for better homing attacks)
  • Cactus moves in steps instead of constantly, and has an adjustable step cooldown.
  • The Cactus's arms have been tucked in. (for a more natural hitbox)
  • Splat and Cactus speed is now dictated by their size. (Bigger = faster)
  • Unhittable Chaser "shells" rotate, and they have a selector for duration.

Level Editor:

  • Fixed pausing in the level editor.
  • The checkered grid in the level editor was made smaller.
  • The checkered grid draws behind objects, and is toggleable with F6.
  • The default desert background was made paler and the clouds were removed.
  • The 'jump guide' in the level editor was made solid instead of see-through.
  • You can deselect a group in the editor by pressing esc now, like when single selecting.
  • Angle snap with shift and snap to grid work with group select.
  • Copy pasting doesn't discolor platforms anymore.
  • Copy pasting one object will now deselect the original.
  • Dropping platforms won't discolor when loading levels.
  • Snap to grid now affects the initial placement of objects, rather than just scaling and moving, so platforms can be lined up properly now.
  • Snap to grid on/off status isn't reset when leaving, and is on by default.
  • Uniform scaling with shift works properly while snap to grid is on.
  • Rotating a selected object won't happen until you've moved the mouse a certain distance, to make deselecting without rotating easier.
  • The F2 menu shows the backgrounds again, instead of the first bg tile.
  • Leaves spawn inside wind when it's diagonal. (You wouldn't believe how hard this one was)
  • You can delete when group selected with delete or backspace.
  • You can group select while on the "F menu".
  • Crushers have proper collision when rotated.
  • If you are far away from the original, copy pasting will paste it onto Mad Rat.
  • Mob Rats and Pickup objects are placed without scaling. (For bug prevention, and ease of use)
  • Moving platforms have adjustable speed.

Known issues:

  • Moving as a group while snapping to grid is slightly misaligned.
  • The Rat God object isn't saved, but you can 'work around it' with an appear trigger.


  • Rotating as a group now also has the accidental rotation protection.
  • Right clicking off of a selected group now deselects.
  • Group rotation with shift no longer misplaces objects.
  • If a group starts at an odd angle, it will align to a 45 degree angle when shift-rotating, instead of just rotating by 45 degree increments. 
  • After rotating a group, it will remain selected. If you click off without rotating, it still deselects like normal.
  • The group-move grid snapping was fixed. It was actually a bug with copy/pasting.


  • If an object is grid misaligned (such as from a group rotate) it won't snap to grid if you select it, only if you move or rotate it.
  • The accidental rotation slash movement protection was lightened, so less movement is required.
  • Placing a pickup or Mob Rat will instantly deselect it, instead of keeping it highlighted.
  • Shift-rotating a group is now based on the object closest to the mouse when you start rotating, which is marked with a "!".
    • The pivot point is still the center of all the objects, but only the ! object will snap to 45 degrees. The other objects will keep their rotation relative to that object.
    • Previously, each object would individually snap to a 45 degree rotation, making everything disjointed if they didn't start with the same rotation.

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